Waynesboro Resident Organization

The Waynesboro Resident Organization (WRO) is a group made up of residents from each Public Housing complex. The purpose of WRO is to voice concerns, organize community engagement events, and propose and organize community improvements. The WRO helps to improve communication between residents and the Housing Authority and improve the living standards of the residents by offering appropriate services and programs as identified by the residents themselves.

Meetings are held regularly and are run by the Board of Directors and Officers of the WRO, with an authorized representative of the WRHA present at each meeting. The Board of Directors includes representatives from each property: two representatives from Springdale, one from Delphine, one from Ivanhoe, one from New Hope, one from Tenth, one from King, and four “at large” representatives (residents from any Public Housing property).

Why should you join?

This is your chance to voice your concerns and questions about the Housing Authority. WRO operates as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and exists for the benefit of your community!

Come join us! Contact the office for more information today!